We believe it's important to guide our children from an early age towards the Lord, and to continue that guidance through biblical teaching as they grow up. That's why we have a range of kids' and youth activities, and carry on supporting them when they go to college too.

Children are an important part of our church family. In our kids' ministry we aim to introduce them to our Lord and his Word, and help them discover his purpose for their lives.
Alongside our worship services on Sunday we run two sessions for kids - Sparklers (0-4 years) and Torches (4-11 years).
We encourage our youngsters to show God's love to children across the world, for example Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Throughout the year we also hold themed parties and family fun days.
We have an active safeguarding policy in place, overseen by Jeanette our co-ordinator. This includes regular training, application of safeguarding procedures and DBS checks for all leaders/assistants.
Our mission to the young people of our church and to those within the community of Birchwood is to show them Jesus. We work closely with Warrington Youth For Christ and fund Rachel, our full-time youth worker who works in the local high school.
We have a dedicated youth teaching session, known as 'Beacons', alongside our Sunday worship service. Our youth group, Ignite, meets on a Friday evening in the Encounter Centre from 7-8.30pm.